Know your limits: A creative playbook to help teens prevent burnout

It’s that time of the year again; back-to-school shopping, ice breakers with classmates and getting organized for school. For many teenagers, like me, going back to school can be a lot, especially at the beginning of the year- when everything seems chaotic. It seems impossible to carry on with all the pressure from extracurricular activities (like signing up for clubs), catching up on homework and having everyone peering over you, watching your every move. However, creating a vision for yourself will help you balance everything and can feel as though a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders!

How to create a work-life balance in your life?

Balance is essential for a thriving mental and physical well-being! Even if you can’t say no to various types of work and feel like you have to prioritize it, it’s equally important that you prioritize yourself as well. Whether it be by going out with your friends or relaxing with a creative activity, they all provide a source of relaxation (and the serotonin boost you need). The key to achieving this balance is planning!

Personally, I use Notion to plan every part of my life as it helps me feel very organized. For example, I use to-do lists or mark events down on my calendar to stay on top of things!

How to maintain a digital balance?

It can be hard to stay away from social media, especially when we don’t feel like doing anything. I won’t even lie to you; I’ve done this multiple times! Though it may seem more comfortable to fall back to using social media, distancing yourself away from it for a few hours could help you immensely. Our mind needs healthy breaks, in which we fill up our time with stimulating or physical activity instead of getting carried away with social media content that may negatively impact our mood. Here are some activities that are perfect to help you relax after studying.

Relaxing through art

Art is a calm and visually appealing activity to promote relaxation. Teenagers can do the activity below to help them unwind during stressful times.

Art activity: Creating a vision board

An activity that is visually stimulating and relates to setting goals!

source: Feltright

Materials needed:

-          Poster board

-          Scissors

-          Glue

-          Ribbon

-          String

-          Markers

-          Pictures/ magazine clippings


1.      Start by cutting out images from a magazine that represent your goals or simply just print them. Some ideas of things you could put on your board may be your dream vacation, social life, dream career- endless opportunities.

2.      Arrange the photos in the way you like and stick them on. The best part about a vision board is that you have the freedom to design it whichever way you like.

3.      Decorate your board!


Vision boards are helpful resources to turn to when you’re feeling stressed out or overwhelmed. They are a reminder of what you’re working towards and how far you’ve come. It’s an incredibly powerful tool to help you manifest your dreams and stay determined!


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