Free resources for children’s mental wellness
Art & Mental Wellness
Yoga for Reducing Anxiety in Kids
Learn how yoga can help children work through their anxiety
Sports and Mental Health
See how sports benefits children’s health and mental well-being
Dance and Self-Esteem
Dancing not only is a great way to have fun with your friends, but it’s also a way to boost our self-esteem!
Sports and Self-Esteem
The foundations of self-esteem are laid between the ages of about 6 and 11 years of age. Importantly, this is also the time when children are most likely to be introduced to sports.
Benefits of Art & Self-Expression
Creating art gives you a meaningful outlet for this creative energy and you feel more relaxed, clear and calm, just like in a meditation.
Music and Mental Health
How does music connect us? Learn more about how music plays a role in our social connection and mental wellness.
The State of Youth Mental Health and The Role of Art
Art helps you explore your inner world, express emotions, and find direction in life’s journey.
What is depression?
A quick overview of the definition, warning signs, and potential causes of depression in youth.
General Health & Help-Seeking
Stress Awareness
Here is an infographic we created to give a brief overview of possible symptoms of stress and steps to take to overcome it on time!
How Stress Impacts Eating Habits & Ways to Cope
DYK: Stress can trigger or worsen disordered eating behaviors as a way to cope with overwhelming emotions or events? Discover this connection to recognize & address disordered eating habits.
Suicide Prevention
Every suicide is associated with risk factors and warning signs. Having the knowledge about these can help us to help the people we love and care for.
Back to School Anxiety
Discover how to understand and manage back-to-school anxiety with simple, effective strategies for kids.
Men's Mental Health
Celebrate Men's Mental Health Awareness Month by exploring valuable information on the importance of men's mental health, feelings, and emotions. Discover support and resources that emphasize the power of art in expressing and understanding emotions.
Minority Mental Health Awareness
With America's growing diversity, it's crucial to address mental health care disparities and reduce stigma in minority communities.
Mental Health Awareness for Youth
Factors driving the mental health crisis in youth today are wide-ranging and extremely nuanced.
Seeking Help For Mental Health
Let’s make help-seeking a regular habit for better mental health
Mental Health Screening
Mental health screenings are a key part of youth mental health. Learn more about why this matters for long-term well-being.
Virtual Playdate Guide
During a time like this, it is more important than ever to be creative and think of different ways children can stay connected with their friends and family during COVID-19.
Bullying Prevention
Exposure to bullying in any manner – by being bullied, bullying others, or witnessing peers being bullied – has long-term, negative effects on children. Learn ways to address it before it becomes a problem.
How To Practice Kindness
Learn all the many ways to practice kindness in daily life
Mental Health & Developmental Disorders
All About Developmental Disabilities
Learn more about the various types of developmental disabilities with this infographic
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Learn about the prevalence of autism spectrum disorders with this infographic
Borderline Personality Disorder
Learn more about Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)—a personality disorder that is not what it appears to be
Motivation Monday
Mondays can get us down, but a little bit of positive motivation can help us get through it!
Every Monday we post some positive Monday wisdom on our Instagram. We’ve attached them below so you can download them. Feel free to share them on social media or print them to hang around the home.