How to Deal with Big Emotions as a High Schooler

As teenagers make the shift from middle school to high school, navigating a new environment can be overwhelming. Teenagers have to adjust to new classmates, difficult classes, and ultimately discover themselves. Additionally, we have to balance extracurriculars, academics, and our social life. It may be difficult to manage the new emotions that come with getting older.

While it may seem easier to suppress these unfamiliar emotions, it can be dangerous for our mental health. By suppressing our emotions, we may form unhealthy coping mechanisms that we carry for the rest of our lives.

Instead of facing these complex emotions on your own, here are some healthy ways you can manage them:


Confide in Your Friends

It may seem daunting to talk to your parents about the difficult emotions you’re experiencing. If that’s the case, confiding in your friends might be an easier option. Unlike some of your older support systems, your friends are likely to understand exactly what you’re going through. You should never feel as if your friends wouldn’t understand what you’re going through! As fellow teenagers navigating the challenges of high school, your friends can provide a similar perspective and shared experiences.

Find a New Hobby

While balancing extracurriculars may be difficult for some, they can be a healthy outlet for others. If you have enough free time in your day, you should definitely give a new hobby a try! Hobbies such as painting, dancing, reading, cooking, or gaming can be relaxing ways to spend your time. By focusing your energy on peaceful hobbies, you can learn to manage the stress you experience as a teenager. Alternatively, high-adrenaline extracurriculars such as sports can help you to channel your negative emotions. Even if you’re afraid to try high-contact sports (football, basketball, baseball, etc.) there are still lower-maintenance sports you can try (table tennis, bowling, badminton)!

Journal Out Your Feelings

Another way to manage your emotions is to journal out your feelings. Journaling can be a healthy way to process the confusing emotions you’re experiencing. Writing out your feelings may provide some clarity and lead to newfound realizations. Some ideas include an art journal, a poetry journal, or a gratitude journal. Additionally, digital forms of journaling such as a video journal can help if you’re not a strong writer. In case you’re not sure where to start, you can search for journal prompts on the internet.

Find Artistic Mediums

A more specific way of channeling your emotions is through artistic mediums. Art can allow you to convey emotions that are difficult to verbalize. Whether it’s through doodling, sketching, or painting, art is one of the easiest ways to display your emotions. In case you aren’t interested in visual arts, you could also channel your feelings into music. By playing an instrument or writing a new song, you might be able to connect with the emotions that are deep inside. Music is fueled by emotion, so it’s natural that it can be used to better understand yourself.


Since navigating highschool can be overwhelming, it’s important we have healthy support systems in our lives. Whether you’re finding comfort in your friends or exploring a new medium, it’s important to prioritize your mental health. In case you’re unsure where to start, My Good Brain has a list of art-based activities focused on improving your mental health. These activities can help you practice mindfulness and tune into your emotions. Practicing some of these strategies may help you develop healthy coping mechanisms that can help you throughout the rest of high school.


Minority Mental Health Awareness Month


All Emotions are Friends! Using Art to Understand & Manage Your Feelings