My Good Brain

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Keeping Connected During COVID-19: Virtual Playdates

Staying connected during the pandemic has been key to people’s well-being. It is difficult for children whose main area of socialization come from being at school and seeing their friends. During a time like this, it is more important than ever to be creative and think of different ways children can stay connected with their friends and family during COVID-19.

Though many parents are trying to reduce children’s screen time, there are still ways to use technology to our advantage. It is good to reduce the amount of time children spend staring at a screen, but it may not be so bad if their friends are on the other side! Virtual playdates are something that has shown to help children foster their relationships and build social connections. This virtual space allows for creative imagination, opportunities for children to experience a range of emotions together, and learn more about themselves and each other.

My Good Brain has crafted a simple infographic to help break down the important steps of a successful virtual playdate HERE. We hope this will encourage parents and guardians to support their children in maintaining friendships in the virtual space when they are staying inside. Stay safe everyone, we will get through this together!