Art and Self-Expression


You know in our world, right now there are 7.9 billion people living. Some look similar to us, some are different in external appearance. But all of us are unique as we all express ourselves differently.


Self-expression is the expression of your personality, feelings, or opinions. What you are feeling and how are you feeling forms your emotions. In fact, all your emotions are a source of creative energy and when expressed freely and positively result in feelings of calmness and relaxation.  


Creating art gives you a meaningful outlet for this creative energy and you feel more relaxed, clear and calm, just like in a meditation. Engaging in art activities encourage problem solving skills too as it increases brain plasticity, focus and attention to detail. This also leads to reduction in impulsiveness and ward off anxiety. Research supports the benefits of art and shows that your music training can actually help you to perform better in math, language and reading.


The process of learning new art, creating something new, enhances creative thinking as you explore, discover, experiment and analyze along the way of making an art. When you share your art with others, it also gives you joy and confidence to share your ideas and even take feedback more positively.


Importantly, it encourages us to understand ourselves and others better. In fact, research shows that just viewing art increases empathy, tolerance and feelings of love.


As we understand the importance of art in kids’ development, we have started a Sunday Art Club which is open to children of all age groups. So, if you want to explore more events, join our mailing list. Which art activities you like to pursue along with your studies? Leave us a comment on our Facebook/Instagram page and tell us what art events would you like to participate in!


Here is an infographic for “Art and Self-expression”.


You may like some other resources regarding benefits of art:








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