Healing with Art & Yoga


A week ago, My Good Brain’s CEO and Founder, Dr. Danessa Mayo, joined the stage with artist, author, and peacemaker, Anne Koller; and Lydia Ferraro, a school-based psychologist & art therapist; to speak at a virtual fundraising event for Mental Health Association of San Francisco. The Healing with Art & Yoga event was attended by many supporters of mental health awareness and action from all over the San Francisco Bay Area.

Anne Koller shared about her work with emotions, breath work, Kundalini yoga, and how she uses them to guide her work with visual art-making and poetry. Lydia Ferraro then guided the attendees through a guided meditation to begin the process of mindful art-making and self-portrait drawing as a tree. Dr. Mayo followed the activities by sharing about how her vision for bridging psychology and art to promote children’s mental wellness came alive to form My Good Brain.

In case you missed the event, check out the following websites to learn more about the speakers and MHA SF:

Anne Koller

Lydia Ferraro

Mental Health Association of San Francisco


Kids At Heart Campaign


5/20 Mental Health Action Day