My Good Brain

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LymeLight Foundation’s 2023 Grant Recipient Reception

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection that if left untreated, can quickly spread to the joints, heart, and nervous system. 25% of all reported cases of the disease in the United States are children — but health insurance doesn’t always cover treatment for chronic Lyme disease.

The LymeLight Foundation is a non-profit organization that helps raise awareness for Lyme disease and provides grants to help children and young adults receive proper treatment. The foundation held its 10th Annual Grant Recipient Reception on July 29, partnering with My Good Brain for the second year in a row to celebrate resilience and foster a stronger sense of community as recipients of all ages work through their journey together.

We were proud to help the LymeLight Foundation lead an exciting art activity at the virtual event that brought together 91 families across 29 states. 

The Big Umbrella Art Project ☔️

This art activity is based on a book called ‘The Big Umbrella’ by Amy June Bates. In the book, a child reaches for an umbrella by the door to keep themselves dry and soon begins inviting others under the umbrella — people from all walks of life and even animals too! The umbrella continued to stretch itself as more people take shelter beneath it, a metaphor that depicts how diverse communities can come together to support and protect each other. 

The message of this book couldn’t have been more perfect for the event. With so many families coming together and sharing their struggles and wins as a community, we led this art activity intending to showcase the importance of support and trust. 

🧡 Support means giving help or encouragement to someone.

🧡 Trust means being able to rely on the integrity, strength, and ability of someone or something.  

During the art activity, all grant recipients were given printables of an umbrella and support system figures that they could color and decorate however they liked. At the end of the art activity, everyone had their own unique art piece depicting their big umbrella! It was truly amazing to see everyone take the time to name, appreciate, and celebrate the people in their lives who support them daily. 

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This piece of art serves the purpose of reminding the grant recipients that they’re not alone. From their family members and friends to fellow members of the LymeLight Foundation, medical staff, support group peers, and even pets and comfort toys — we’re happy to have art serve as a reminder that there are always people under their big umbrella no matter how hard it rains.

Interested in partnering with My Good Brain on art projects and events? Contact us today 🎨🧠