My Good Brain

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Honoring Black History Month

This February, My Good Brain honors the incredible contributions and accomplishments of Black psychologists and educators who led the way in challenging injustices to improve children’s mental health. As our world continues to navigate an ongoing pandemic, we are also witness to social injustices and discrimination further exacerbating inequities that marginalized communities have and continue to face. Several leading pediatric organizations have declared a national state of emergency for child and adolescent mental health and access to mental health services continues to be a barrier. It goes without saying – we must move the work forward… and we all play a part.


As we look to the past, we can better inform our future. Read on to learn more about the legacy some of the pioneers of the psychology field left behind as a north star to the future that is possible.

Mental health is health – and everyone should have access to the resources and support needed for a happy, healthy life. We all play a role in creating and upholding this vision to ensure our children have the opportunity to reach their fullest potential and celebrate the many unique elements of what makes them – them.

Resources & Support

If you or a loved one is in need of support, help is available. Text HOME to 741741 to reach the Crisis Text Line or call 800-273-TALK (8255) to reach the Suicide Prevention Lifeline. You are not alone.


American Psychological Association

Mental Health America

National Alliance on Mental Illness