My Good Brain

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Word Kindness Day

As a teacher, being around children for a significant amount of time made me realize one quite notable observation about myself: I focus way too much on the negative sometimes. I would try to become a better teacher by constantly criticizing myself and I would try to help the kids learn better by pointing out what they were doing wrong. 

Unbeknownst to me, I was just making the kids dislike what they were doing. Nobody wants to always be told what they are doing wrong and especially not kids. They want to express themselves without constantly being told what needs to be corrected. Otherwise, they never feel like they are good enough and thus might as well quit. I was overdoing the critics to both myself and the kids. 

So what ended up happening?

If overwhelming negativity was the problem, then perhaps adding some purposeful positivity would help. And sure enough, it did. 

Both the kids and I were more productive, satisfied, and eager to learn. Simply reminding ourselves of the things we are doing correctly, the hard concepts we’ve managed to overcome, and where we were at the beginning of this journey can reinvigorate our desire to continue forward.

This was my lesson in not solely positivity, but kindness. Kindness to oneself and to those around me. 

We all have the capacity to spread some kindness every day. By continually focusing on the evil in the world, we rid ourselves of the opportunity to share love and see a hopeful way forward in life. 

This past Sunday, the 13th, was World Kindness Day. A welcomed reminder that we should all go out of our way to display a little kindness in our daily lives. Be sure to let others around you know how much you appreciate their kindness and generosity as well!

Ideas to help you get started

Maybe now you are thinking, “Alright, what can I do to spread kindness?” and this is a lovely start to discovering the effect you have on others. Kindness doesn’t need to be grand or even affect many people at once. You can begin with the people closest to you and later step outside your comfort zone just a bit to help the strangers around you. Here are some ways you can get started:

  • Compliment someone

  • Send a positive or encouraging text to five people in your contacts

  • Surprise someone with flowers

  • Tell a family member or friend you love them

  • Write a nice note on the receipt at a restaurant for your server 

  • Offer to help with someone’s errands

  • Smile when you walk by others

  • Write positive messages on post-it notes and leave them for people to find

  • Call a relative you haven’t spoken to in a while 

  • Tidy up around your house

  • Pick up trash you see on the ground outside and throw it in a garbage can

  • Hold the door open for someone

  • Chat with a stranger and ask them about their day

  • Pay for a stranger’s coffee or meal

  • Give a surprise gift to someone you care about

  • Send a kind card or note to a friend

  • Surprise co-workers with home-baked cookies or treats

  • Plant a tree

  • Spend less time on your phone and more time with people you care about

  • Organize a workplace giving campaign

  • Offer a classmate help with homework

  • Tell someone you appreciate them

  • Volunteer at a local soup kitchen 

  • Give someone a hug

Activities and resources

Interested in doing even more for your community? Check out this handful of resources that are great for kids and adults alike!

  • Rock painting: Got paint and a few rocks on ya? Come check this neat little activity out!

  • Chalk messages: If you or your kids love drawing with chalk, you’ll love this quick and fun activity you can do with your kids!

  • Random acts of kindness: This website has a whole bunch of random acts of kindness that you can come and check out!

  • Inspire Kindness: Want to learn more about what your kindness means to others? Visit this page to find out more!

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted” - Aesop